If you check out eCommerce Insiders, you’ll see our first contribution to their online magazine. The article is on order management and how the right system can really help improve E-commerce ROI.
I wanted to first thank Chris over at eCommerce Insiders for asking SalesWarp to contribute the online magazine each month. We are very excited about sharing our insights and expertise to the E-commerce community on how retailers can use E-commerce platforms to simplify E-commerce and improve their businesses.
Order management systems are becoming much more of a strategic business focus due to the expansion of technology and the many touchpoints consumers now have. Brian Walker at Forrest Research stated in his recent blog the following:
“In the era of agile commerce, order management tools are becoming strategic. Dealing with a diverse set of customer touchpoints and fulfillment nodes is no longer a high-class problem reserved for the top-tier retailers and businesses. This is now an issue for businesses large and small. ” ..read more
Brian states that order management is becoming a much more strategic decision, and it should be. It’s no longer a stand-alone process and needs to be part of, or at least integrated with the overall E-commerce platform. SalesWarp is that complete platform with order management integrated into it. This gives retailers just one E-commerce platform to set up and manage all of their online business tasks, leaving more time and valuable resources for tackling more strategic, sales-oriented tasks to grow the business.
Let me know what you think of our first contribution. In the future, I’ll be talking about how retailers can use complete E-commerce platforms like SalesWarp to create more intelligent product information allowing them to get to market sooner, streamline operations by automating the order and fulfillment process, and even expand market reach by selling on multiple channels, including eBay, Amazon and even in-store POS systems.
And don’t forget to check out all of the other articles on eCommerceInsiders.com. There are some great articles from E-commerce experts like Stephen Patrick Speijers from Robin and Ken Levy from 4-Tell. If you recall my previous blog on Collaboration, eCommerceInsiders is a great example of this – bringing complementary experts together to provide insight, expertise and thought leadership on all areas of E-commerce. Make sure you check it out and give me your feedback.
Thanks and as we say here at SalesWarp…let’s all Sell More, Make More and Manage Less.